People first!

Your voice in Concord for
quality public schools, reproductive
freedom, safe communities, clean water
and a sustainable environment.

Granite State families are busy.  We trust our elected officials to be our voice in the State House and to work on the things that actually matter to our families: good paying jobs, clean & sustainable environment, and vibrant public schools and communities. We know that New Hampshire works best when we all work together. Instead of working for New Hampshire families, the radical right has tried to distract us with made-up culture wars in the hope that we would not notice that they:
  • have attacked our public schools with a reckless school voucher scheme
  • have voted against reproductive freedom by hijacking the state budget with New Hampshire’s first abortion ban in modern history
  • continue to put our most vulnerable in harm's way by removing common sense public health and safety measures
  • have targeted NH’s LGBTQ+ kids with cruel, discriminatory bills
  • endanger voting rights and fair redistricting
  • have blocked the ability of towns to create comprehensive climate action plans
  • have even attempted to abandon the United States through secession

These stances do not reflect the type of leader New Hampshire needs!

I care about quality public schools, reproductive freedom, safe communities, free and fair elections, a clean & sustainable environment, affordable healthcare and housing, and living wages. In short, we deserve a government that works for the common good.

I believe that a strong community is built when residents become active and engaged. I am here to listen to any of the ideas, issues and concerns that you are passionate about!

I look forward to earning your vote for State Representative this November.

Quality Public Schools

School is a place where childhood happens. A place where children of different places and races learn from the past, make sense of the present and prepare for the future.

Health Care

Everyone should be able to get the care they need, when they need it, without worrying about going bankrupt.

Clean and Sustainable Environment

New Hampshire’s unparalleled natural beauty is a treasure worth protecting.

Free and Fair Elections

For democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. Voting is a right and responsibility.

Safe Communities

No matter where we live or what we look like, we all deserve to live in communities that are safe and free from gun violence.

About Shana image
My name is Shana Potvin (you pronounce my first name Shay-nuh). I was born and raised here in New Hampshire, graduating from Manchester Memorial High School and Southern New Hampshire University. I am a wife and proud mom to two incredible kids.

I am running for State Representative to represent the town of Bedford and bring back balance to the State House in Concord. I am running because the people of Bedford deserve a representative that listens and values the advice, input, and issues of everyone in the community.  I am an empathetic, level-headed voice. I am someone who can create positive change for those of all ages, abilities, identities, and backgrounds. I am ready to tackle the real-world issues of the towns, families, schools, and small businesses across New Hampshire.

I believe that a strong community is built when residents become active and engaged.
I am:
  • An experienced leader in local nonprofit organizations.
  • A parent & volunteer in our schools - Past chair of Stand By Me & Destination Imagination Team Manager.
  • An active volunteer in our community - Current Co-Chair of the Bedford Democrats, on board of Stevens-Buswell Community Center, volunteer at Joppa Hill Farm, former Chair of Bedford Energy Commission, served on Bedford Public Library Foundation.
Or checks can be made payable & mailed to:
Shana Potvin for State Rep
233 Joppa Hill Rd
Bedford, NH 03110
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What issues are most important to you and your family? Complete the form below and I'll do my best to reply as quickly as possible.  For information on registering to vote, please visit